Saturday 29 August 2015

Writing and writing and writing: NST WRITING WORKSHOP

Back to 8th August at my school, it was a beautiful morning and there was a girl a.k.a ME (forgive my very story-ish intro). When I arrived oh-so-early-but-nearly-late in the morning, I saw nobody  around. I thought I was lost. Until... I saw Esther, our school's head prefect. HOLY COW FINALLY A HUMAN BEING LIKE ME!!! 😲

I proceeded to the auditorium and I did the attendance thingy (ok which programme doesn't?). I saw my classmate, Ross, and decided to sit with her. Then we changed to another group because it had only two members (one group had four or five) and because the two members were my DELICIOUS - no, I mean GOOD- FRIENDS. We were given these leaflets on a writing and photographic essay competition.

Our faci arrived after fifteen minutes of waiting (WAH SO LATE SIA) and she was an Indian lady whom I came to know as Datin T (I forgot her name ok?). She had one of those high-pitched voices and trust me, her voice could break a glass if she ever went lalala. The first session was icebreaking and I don't know how, but I got one of those FRIENDLY group of people. People a.k.a one Teresian, one Greenian and two SainsKu guys a.k.a MacD (because her nickname lol), Emma, Henry and Killian.

No, I didn't steal those names from OUAT.

Okay fine I did.


Like any other groups, things were seriously awkward. Well, until McD squeaked, "OKAY WHAT SHALL WE DO NOW?" Like OMG I NEARLY HAD A HEART ATTACK. CALM YOUR TITS, LADY. I KNOW YOU'RE EXCITED BUT MY HEART IS A GHOST TOWN. Adam Levine is bæ. Then, Datin T asked us to name our group after superheroes and that adds one fact pertaining to me: I am not a superhero connoisseur or cognoscente (Pardon me. I love to euphuize). 

Yes. I am lame in superheroistic things.

But lucky holy cow, Killian was a superhero aficionado. So our group name was ULTRON. Yeayurss. A nice name for a group where there were more girls than boys (sarcasm included). Believe it or not, I was about to suggest Powerpuff Girls (Cute ok cute ok) but he stated his idea first and we all agreed to it. So GO TEAM ULTRON WOOHOO! Oh, and it made Killian our group Hitler - no, I mean leader.

The first session was speed writing (I think) and we were given three minutes to scribble down whatever we had in our mind on a piece of paper. I managed to write an incomplete poem based on Clannad: Tomoyo After entitled 'Dear Old Home'. It was odd how I can write three complete and one incomplete stanzas within the three minutes. I think it was the writing power.

WRITING POWER = Wrist and palm strength x Brain speed

Eureka, I created my own formula! I'm officially Archimedes's archnemesis jk.

Anyways, Datin T had one representative in each group to read their written work and Henry was our representative (he willingly did it anyways). He read his work, which was about time and okay, he was a surprisingly good in English for a Malay (I'm not racist okai). Oh, and Henry had this slightly girly voice. I wonder if puke-berty hit him too-not-hard-enough . Then, there was this one girl's work that completely caught my attention. Her name was Karen. She wrote about the workshop and her English was perfectly perfect. I know I'm exaggerating but it's true. I was completely enveloped by her simple writing.

Breaktime - I did nothing but hogging my food so nothing to tell here. Okay fine. A picture to describe it.

After break, we continued with a new session which was on pairwork a.k.a rebuilding a better paragraph of words than the already better paragraph of words to describe the picture. Henry and I got to work (Spoiler: throughout the workshop, I was always collaborating with Henry because the other three were constantly giving too many bombastical ideas). So after work was done and over with, Henry and I took a selfie with his phone.


Lunch was served after an hour of work. I want to hog again but damn, GASTRIC. So I decided not to eat since the food was so spicy.


On my way to the auditorium with my friend, Maybelle a.k.a Mel B, I bumped into Mdm. Ho, my class, History and English teacher. She asked me if we would like to take a picture with the other students and Mel B suggested to take a picture with the Josephians. I hesitated at first but because of my Asian-ness, I decided to do so.
#asian2.0 feat. Mel B and Ross

Then, a picture with Henry (again) and no, I am looking at Priya (the Indian girl), not him.

#bitches #yolo #noididnotokay  

feat. the guy with the sexy butt. *cough because rofl and lol*


It was also Mdm. Ho's birthday on that particular day and I, being very shy, asked for a hug in which she willingly give. YAYYYY. A HIPPO hug.

No, not Hunger Games.

Okay okay fine. It is Hunger Games' reference.

The lunch period was long so I decided to get to know Karen. She was just oh so open and witty and sarcastic and nice and all that. Also, quite a babblemouth.

Sadly, the lunch period was over and we had another session a.k.a cutting up a bootyful (really ok really) picture from newspaper and captioning it in 50 words . I DID MINE. IT WAS SO HORRIBLE I DIED. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO CAPTION PICTURES. *sings death march* Okay, not many of us can do it well too so... YEAYURRS. YOU MY FRIENDS. #gengbatutujuh

The last and final session was free writing but based on the topics given on the leaflet earlier. So there were ghree essays - a factual essay on leadership (I dislike factual essays), fictional essay on heroism (I prefer stories) and photographic essay (which I totally cannot do now).  I was left with no choice but to do Heroism, which ended up becoming a rather dramatical story. And no, not the Shakespearean type of dramatic. It tells the story of a young girl who grew up wanting to be a hero like her brother. Then, she got married and her husband died as a soldier a.k.a hero and she continued raising her children and she became her self-proclaimed hero. Yes, you are allowed to cry. *sniff sniff sob sob cry cry*

I had Emma read my story and wow, oh wow, she said it was dramatical. #goteammeroo So I gave it to the faci for so-called publishing *flips hair*. I'm sure it'll get a micro-scaled hit. T.T Anyways, the workshop ended with the giving of token of appreciation to Datin T and we had our teatime after that, which was OMG SCRUMPTIOUS OK feat. my favourite kuih... CURRY PUFFS. YAYY. Btw guys, is there any term for 'kuih' in English?

My gastric worsened when I saw Priya and Jasmine fighting over a not-so-sexy guy on the book cover. Like, OMG WHAT AN IRONY. Anyways, it was such a great day to have new friends, especially from St. Teresa, our sister school (and rival idk why). This whole workshop changed my perception on them. Also, my writing skill improved. YAY. 

One picture to conclude the event:

The smiles on our faces feat. Priya's friend and Mel B looking like a troll model. (just kidding around)